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10 Tips For How Mothers Should Inspire Young Daughters to Wear Hijab and Tell Them the Importance of Hijab in Islam

by | Oct 23, 2023

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Mothers have a crucial influence on their children, and the values they impart shape their beliefs and choices. In the Islamic faith, wearing the hijab holds significant importance. It’s not just a religious obligation but also a powerful tool for empowerment, especially for young girls. In this article, we will delve into several strategies and valuable insights to guide mothers on how they can inspire and educate their daughters about wearing the hijab and help them understand its significance in Islam.

In Islam, the hijab is a modest dress that covers the head and body. It’s not just about clothing; it symbolises faith and devotion. Encouraging young daughters to embrace the hijab is a responsibility that can profoundly impact their spiritual journey and personal development. It’s about instilling a deep sense of identity, self-respect, and respect for others. So, let’s explore how mothers can play a vital role in this process.

Significance and Importance of Hijab

Wearing the hijab is a practice that goes beyond being just another piece of clothing. It carries profound meaning as a symbol of modesty, respect, and devotion to Allah, the central figure in the Islamic faith. For young Muslim girls, comprehending the significance of the hijab is a vital aspect of their upbringing. In this context, let’s take a closer look at how mothers can effectively convey the importance of the hijab to their daughters.

Hijab in Islam

Emphasize Modesty: Highlight the Humble Elegance

Starting early in your child’s life, teaching them about modesty is important. You can convey the idea that the hijab acts as a protective cloak, preserving their modesty and dignity. This means helping them understand that by covering themselves in this way, they express their commitment to values like self-respect and personal privacy. It’s a way of showing that these qualities must be cherished and preserved throughout their lives.

Groove Your Faith: Finding the Spiritual Vibe

You can emphasize to your children that wearing the hijab is a beautiful way to enhance their spiritual connection with Allah. By covering and dressing modestly, they display their devotion and create an environment that encourages prayer and reflection. It’s a personal and profound link to their faith, reminding them to turn to Allah in moments of prayer and self-reflection, ultimately strengthening their spiritual bond.

Style and Self-Respect: Your Unique Identity

It’s important to convey to your daughters that the hijab is not just a piece of clothing; it’s an essential part of their identity as Muslim women. They should wear it with pride, knowing that it represents their faith and values. By doing so, they deserve respect and admiration not just for their appearance but also for the strength and conviction it takes to wear the hijab in a world with diverse beliefs. This respect and admiration are a reflection of the qualities that make them unique and special as individuals, and it’s something to be cherished.

Inspiring Daughters to Wear Hijab

Inspiring your young daughters to embrace the hijab is a thoughtful journey that requires care and understanding. Here are some effective strategies to help you along the way:

Positive Role Models

Introducing your daughters to remarkable, hijab-wearing Muslim women who have left a lasting impact on society is an inspiring way to help them understand the significance of the hijab. These role models can show that wearing the hijab doesn’t limit one’s potential but, in fact, can be a source of strength and empowerment.

Age-Appropriate Discussion

When introducing your daughters to the inspiring hijab-wearing Muslim women who’ve made a mark on society, it’s essential to adapt the conversation to their age. Using relatable stories and examples can make the discussion more engaging and meaningful. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Age-Appropriate Stories: Choose age-appropriate stories and examples that align with your daughters’ interests. Young children may be more captivated by tales of hijab-wearing characters in their favourite books, while teenagers might be more interested in real-life success stories.
  2. Visual Aids: Utilize visual aids like pictures, videos, or documentaries to illustrate the achievements of these role models. Younger children often respond well to visual content.
  3. Ask for Their Input: Encourage your daughters to express their thoughts and feelings about these stories. Ask what they find inspiring or relatable. This allows them to participate in the conversation actively.
  4. Relate to Their Interests: Relate the stories to their hobbies or interests. For instance, if they’re passionate about sports, share stories of hijab-wearing athletes. This makes the conversation more relevant to their lives.
  5. Encourage Questions: Create a safe, open space for your daughters to ask questions. This shows that you’re genuinely interested in their perspective and are there to provide guidance.
  6. Draw Parallels: Draw parallels between the accomplishments of these women and your daughters’ own aspirations. Help them see that the hijab doesn’t limit their potential but can be a source of strength in pursuing their goals.
  7. Share Personal Experiences: If you or other women in your family or community have personal experiences to share, do so. It can make the concept of wearing the hijab more relatable and less abstract.
  8. Emphasize Individuality: Reinforce the idea that every person’s journey is unique. These role models are just one example; your daughters should feel empowered to chart their own course.

By tailoring the conversation to their age and using relatable stories and examples, you’re making the concept of the hijab more accessible and relevant. This approach can foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of its significance in their lives.

Encourage Choice

Give your daughters the freedom to make their own choices regarding wearing the hijab, stressing that it’s a deeply personal commitment to Allah. Their genuine understanding and conviction should drive this journey. Encourage open and respectful discussions about faith, modesty, and the hijab’s significance. Share your insights and the importance of wearing it, but also clarify that the decision is ultimately theirs. This approach promotes a sense of personal responsibility and strengthens their connection with their faith as they embark on this path with sincerity and wholehearted devotion. Allowing them to choose empowers them to embrace the hijab as a conscious and meaningful expression of their faith and identity.

Building Confidence

Wearing hijab can sometimes lead to self-esteem issues due to misconceptions. Here’s how to boost their confidence:


Help your daughters understand that the hijab isn’t just a covering; it can also be a form of self-expression. They can personalize and style it in ways that make them feel unique and confident. Encourage them to explore fabrics, colours, and ways of wearing the hijab that resonate with their personality and fashion sense. This empowers them to embrace the hijab as an integral part of their identity while celebrating their individuality. It’s not just about conforming; it’s about creatively expressing their faith and values in a way that feels authentic to them. This approach encourages a positive outlook on wearing the hijab, making it a personal and empowering choice rather than an imposition.

Addressing Concerns

Be sure to actively listen to your daughters’ concerns and give them the reassurance they need. They naturally have questions or reservations about wearing the hijab, so create an open and understanding space for them to express their thoughts and feelings. Share stories of confident hijab-wearing women who have overcome challenges and achieved remarkable things in their lives. These stories can serve as powerful sources of inspiration and proof that the hijab can be worn with confidence and pride. By addressing their concerns and offering inspiring examples, you’re helping your daughters build the self-assurance they need to embrace the hijab with a positive and empowered mindset.

Positive Affirmations

Offer your daughters encouragement through positive affirmations that emphasize their beauty and inner strength when wearing the hijab. Remind them that beauty goes beyond external appearance and that the hijab enhances their inner qualities and values. Highlight their unique qualities, resilience, and the strength they exhibit by choosing to wear the hijab. Reinforce the idea that their true beauty shines through their faith, modesty, and the confidence to express their identity through the hijab. Your affirmations can be a powerful source of motivation, helping them embrace their choice with a sense of pride and self-assurance.

Handling Challenges

Young girls may face challenges when wearing hijab. Prepare them for these situations:

Challenges of Wearing Hijab

Bullying and Stereotypes

It’s essential to teach your daughters how to respond to bullying and address misconceptions about the hijab. Equip them with effective strategies to deal with negativity or misunderstanding. Encourage open communication and assure them that they can always come to you for support. Teach them to respond to bullying with confidence, not aggression, by calmly explaining the significance of the hijab and their choice to wear it. Encourage them to correct misconceptions with patience and education, sharing the true meaning and purpose behind the hijab. By arming them with knowledge and a composed approach, you’re helping them face challenges with resilience and promoting a more informed and inclusive understanding of the hijab in Islam.

Support System

Building a strong support network is crucial. Encourage your daughters to connect with friends, family, and the local Muslim community to provide emotional support and guidance. Friends who share similar beliefs can be a source of understanding and solidarity. Family members can offer love, encouragement, and a sense of belonging. The local Muslim community can provide mentorship, resources, and a broader perspective on the hijab’s significance. This support network not only offers a sense of camaraderie but also helps your daughters navigate challenges, boosting their confidence and overall well-being. It’s a reminder that they’re not alone in their journey and that people are ready to stand by their side.


In addition to building a support network, consider enrolling your daughters in self-defense classes. These classes can be a powerful way to boost their confidence and equip them with essential skills to handle challenging situations. Learning self-defense techniques not only enhances physical confidence but also fosters mental resilience. It empowers them to assert themselves, should the need arise, and provides a sense of security, knowing they have the tools to protect themselves. This added layer of confidence can be especially valuable when facing potential bullying or adversity related to their choice to wear the hijab.


In conclusion, mothers play a pivotal role in inspiring their young daughters to wear the hijab and grasp its significance in Islam. Through the emphasis on modesty, the introduction of positive role models, and the cultivation of confidence, mothers can guide their daughters to embrace the hijab with a profound sense of pride. By addressing challenges, offering unwavering support, and teaching essential life skills, mothers ensure that their young girls grow into empowered hijab-wearing women who are not only steadfast in their faith but also confident in their identity. This journey of understanding and self-expression is a transformative and essential part of a young Muslim girl’s life, as in the hijab dilemma, and mothers are at the heart of that transformation.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: Is wearing hijab mandatory for young Muslim girls?

A: While it becomes obligatory at a certain age, mothers should encourage its practice from childhood to instill the values.

Q: How can I help my daughter feel confident in hijab?

A: Encourage self-expression and provide a positive environment where she feels supported and valued.

Q: What if my daughter faces discrimination for wearing hijab?

A: Teach her to respond calmly, educate others about hijab, and seek support from trusted individuals.

Q: Can hijab be a barrier to career opportunities?

A: Emphasize that hijab is a personal choice and many successful Muslim women have thriving careers while wearing it.

Q: How can I make hijab exciting for my daughter?

A: Involve her in selecting colorful and stylish hijabs, making the experience enjoyable.

Q: Are there online resources for hijab inspiration?

A: Yes, numerous websites and social media platforms offer hijab styling tips and stories of empowered hijab-wearing women.

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