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To Tattle Tale Is An Enormity

by | May 14, 2013

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To Tattle Tale Is An Enormity, Backbiting and the Backbiting definition.

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“He who stirs enmity among people, by quoting their words to each other, will not enter Paradise.” [Bukhari]

Unfortunately, this is a common social evil these days. Rather than mend relations among people, Shaytaan has us excited about carrying tales to each other.

“You won’t believe what he did!… Can you imagine what she said? OMG just look, how innocent she/he looks by face but in actual what he/she did! …”

Say No to backbiting: To Tattle Tale Is An Enormity

Refuse to listen to what other people have said or done. It is backbiting, just to hear it. If what we are being told about is not true, it is an even bigger sin, both for the person telling it and the person listening to it. Even if we make up our selves not to believe what we heard, still the slightest the shadow of that thing is in our heart. The very next time if that person commits something similar to what you heard. You would definitely have a flashback of what you heard (although not believed).

To Tattle Tale Is An Enormity

For example, if your friend tells you that a class fellow of yours named Sarah, had stolen something from another class fellow back in past some time. And after hearing the whole story from your friend, when you return to your classroom, you find a precious pen of yours missing. What would be the first thought coming into your mind? “Sarah might have stolen it? “. Maybe you have been so kind to not to believe in whatever she said about Sarah, may you just heard it is not believed, still the first name clicking in your mind would be “Sarah”.

Don’t Believe things you hear:

If we tell ourselves not to believe everything we hear, our hearts will nevertheless be tainted by it. That is why the Prophet (Sallallahu Alayhi Wa Sallam) told his companions not to say things about each other to him. since he didn’t want to meet them with disquiet in his heart. If Rasul Allah’s feelings for people had the possibility of getting soured by hearing tales about them. despite his being Rehmat-ul-Lil-Alameen, then we are certainly not above being corrupted by listening to tales.


Two-Faced People:

The people who carry tales from one person to another, do it in the guise of well-wishers. First, they sympathize with one party. Then they take what they have gleaned to other people and sow discord, ruining relations between people, by repeating things. A person who behaves in such a manner is being two-faced. To Tattle Tale Is An Enormity

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said:

“You find that among the worst people is someone who is two-faced, showing one face to some and another face to others.” [Bukhari]

The beauty of Islam is, that it grabs the sin from its roots. Instead of presenting a remedy after sin has been committed Islam believes in the elimination of evil from the very first point of its origination. For example, backbiting and backstabbing can result in a lot of serious problems like hatred in society, personal image, and reputation of a person is destroyed. Maybe a husband is so short-tempered he would divorce her wife on hearing something bad about her. So break up in husband wife, the whole family system is distorted.

Islamic Teachings:

What Islam is doing?. The very first step is saying to stop talking foul about someone other. if you have a story, you have heard anything, and it’s true. You are not going to pass it on to anyone. Even if you have seen it by your self, Islam recommends you to hide the sin of that person. Now if you haven’t told anyone, you haven’t backbitten, the next level is to not even hear any such thing. Shut your ears against any tale you hear, which is against anybody. Don’t be part of such discussions.

And if you had a chance to hear something, don’t believe it until you get some solid facts. Never listen to rumors. Don’t contribute towards spreading that rumor. Even if the story or news is true, just restrict it to your self and pray to ALLAH for hidayah of that person. To Tattle Tale Is An Enormity

May ALLAH Subahana hu Wa Taala save us from being back biters, and from tattling tales. May He hide our sins from others and let us cover the sins of others too.

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